4 Feb 2024
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- Category: News
- Hits: 502
Air quality significantly improved due to good wind, blown away all the smog. Enjoy fresh air.
Pollutag Node: the integration guide
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- Category: Devices
- Hits: 520
1. Our LoRaWAN payload settled by following fragment of code:
AppData.Port = LORAWAN_USER_APP_PORT; AppData.Buffer[i++] = (PM1) >> 8; AppData.Buffer[i++] = (PM1)%256; AppData.Buffer[i++] = (PM2_5)>>8; AppData.Buffer[i++] = (PM2_5)%256; AppData.Buffer[i++] = (PM10)>>8; AppData.Buffer[i++] = (PM10)%256; int16_t tempVar; tempVar = ((int16_t)(temperatureTX*100.0)) + 10000; AppData.Buffer[i++] = tempVar/100; AppData.Buffer[i++] = tempVar%100; tempVar = ((int16_t)(humidity*100.0)); AppData.Buffer[i++] = tempVar/100; AppData.Buffer[i++] = tempVar%100; AppData.Buffer[i++] = VOC/256; AppData.Buffer[i++] = VOC%256; AppData.Buffer[i++] = extBattery; AppData.Buffer[i++] = LEDON;
here you may see, than first 2 bytes in payload occupied by PM1 data (ultradisperse particles), next 2 bytes: PM2.5, then next 2 bytes: PM10, next 2 bytes by temperature, next 2 bytes by humidity, next 2 bytes by VOC (volatile organic compounds index), next byte by battery charge and the last one is LED status on/off.
2. In helium console we need to create decoder function (menu Functions), example flow:
decoder function may look like:
function Decoder(bytes, port, uplink_info) { var decoded = {}; decoded.PM1 = ((bytes[0]*256 + bytes[1])/10.0).toFixed(2); decoded.PM2_5 = ((bytes[2]*256 + bytes[3])/10.0).toFixed(2); decoded.PM10 = ((bytes[4]*256 + bytes[5])/10.0).toFixed(2); decoded.T = (-100.0 + bytes[6] + bytes[7]/100.0).toFixed(2); decoded.RH = (bytes[8] + bytes[9]/100).toFixed(2); decoded.VOC = ((bytes[10]*256 + bytes[11])/10.0).toFixed(2); decoded.Battery = (bytes[12]*(2.82/76)).toFixed(2);//52.08;//31.06; decoded.LEDON = bytes[13]; return decoded; }
3. After decoder next step to pass (see flow above) webhook to devices.sensor.community with your node tag . Particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) and (temperature and humidity) separately.
These webhooks in helium console created like integrations:
HTTP webhooks integrations:
1.a) set the header, for PM particles as following (this node001_PM webhook):
* sensor ID =
Sensor UID |
below is printscreen from sensor.community:
1.b) set the Advanced - JSON Message Template on the same page as follow (TEMPLATE BODY) - will be available then you press "ADD INTEGRATION" on the bottom :
{ "software_version": "1", "sensordatavalues": [ {"value_type": "P1","value": "{{decoded.payload.PM10}}"}, {"value_type": "P2","value": "{{decoded.payload.PM2_5}}"} ] }
2.a) Next webhook dedicated to temperature and humidity (node001_TH webhook):
* sensor ID =
Sensor UID |
2.b) set the Advanced - JSON Message Template on the same page as follow (TEMPLATE BODY) - will be available then you press "ADD INTEGRATION" on the bottom:
{ "software_version": "1", "sensordatavalues": [ {"value_type":"temperature","value": "{{decoded.payload.T}}"}, {"value_type":"humidity","value": "{{decoded.payload.RH}}"} ] }
Node001 is down
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- Category: News
- Hits: 681
Currently node001 is down, under investigation.
Upd: the node have taken by someone appx. 2/3/2024, 2:07:37 PM, not in place any more :( I have visited the place personally today. It is disappeared
Today we will try to up the second one in Lisen (appx. 3 moth test passed, some issues observed(due to position solar panel provides not enough power to energize , period of measurements settled up as 15 min.))
Pollutag_node integration
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- Category: Devices
- Hits: 402
Už to tam je a funguje. (https://waqi.info/#/c/49.191/16.662/16.7z)