pollutag_node_001: installed, air monitoring started
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- Category: Devices
- Hits: 279
pollutag_node_001 node heroically passed all the crush tests :) and have been installed finally successfully. Monitoring parameters are: Temperature, Humidity, PM1, PM2.5, PM10, VOC index (SEN54 sensor from Sensirion in use). It is completely charged its batteries by solar panel and MPPT and working stable. Soon the data from the node will be available on pollutants.eu
Modul pollutag_node_001 hrdinně prošel všemi crush testy :) a byl nakonec úspěšně nainstalován. Sledované parametry jsou: Teplota, vlhkost, PM1, PM2,5, PM10, index VOC (používá se senzor SEN54 od společnosti Sensirion). Kompletně nabíjí své baterie pomocí solárního panelu a MPPT a pracuje stabilně. Data z uzlu budou brzy k dispozici na webu pollutants.eu.
Third proto (on SEN54 sensor) in test second day: till now fly is quite good, even crush test passed :)
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- Category: Devices
- Hits: 299
It is a new LoRaWAN (Helium) node isolated and prepared to be installed outdoor. Monitor: particulate matter, temperature, humidity, VOC: based on new SEN54 sensor from Sensirion.
1. Sleep current: 1.2mA;
2. Transfer period 160 sec.
3. Measuring PM1, PM2.5, PM10, Humidity, Temperature, VOC index (period 30 min.)
4. Solar powered, 3200mAh battery (run from charged battery only up to 2 weeks), MPPT
5. Water protected, ready to be installed
Git: https://github.com/WeSpeakEnglish/pollutag_node.git
Pollutag NODE - external air quality monitor
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- Category: Devices
- Hits: 255
The project now available on github for free access
Poor air condirion alert. Upozornění na špatnou kvalitu ovzduší
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- Category: News
- Hits: 224
Low convection conditions provoked bad air quality in cities. It is recommended to use respirator this hours.
You may monitor your location here
Slabá konvekce vedla ke zhoršení kvality ovzduší ve městech. V těchto hodinách se doporučuje používat respirátor.
Svou polohu můžete sledovat zde
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