Serious mercury pollution in the vicinity of Spolana Neratovice
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- Category: Air pollution / Znečištění ovzduší
- Hits: 1489
Serious mercury pollution in the vicinity of Spolana neratovice has already been described in several studies.
Arnika measured high levels of mercury in the air near the sites of both chemical plants (Arnika-toxic substances and wastes 2006). Even more visible is the long-term Mercury load in the measurement results (Suchara and Sucharová 2008) in oak bark (see map in Figure 1).
OSN potvrzuje v Antarktidě rekordní teplo 18,3 ° C
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- Category: Air pollution / Znečištění ovzduší
- Hits: 1255
Photo by Ute Gabriela Schneppat on Unsplash
Organizace spojených národů ve čtvrtek podtvdila novou rekordně vysokou teplotu pro antarktický kontinent a potvrdila hodnotu 18,3 stupně Celsia
Rekordního tepla bylo dosaženo na argentinské výzkumné stanici Esperanza na Antarktickém poloostrově 6. února 2020, uvedla Světová meteorologická organizace OSN. „Ověření tohoto záznamu maximální teploty je důležité, protože nám pomáhá získat obraz počasí a podnebí na jedné z konečných hranic Země,“ uvedl generální tajemník WMO Petteri Taalas. „Antarktický poloostrov patří mezi nejrychleji se oteplující oblasti planety - téměř 3 ° C za posledních 50 let. „Tento nový teplotní rekord je tedy v souladu s klimatickými změnami, které pozorujeme.“
Ecological restoration in the Czech Republic II
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- Category: Air pollution / Znečištění ovzduší
- Hits: 1384
Photo by Dmitry Gladkikh on Unsplash
In 2012, the Ecological Restoration Group at the Faculty of Science of the University of South Bohemia organised the 8th European Conference on Ecological Restoration. On the occasion of this conference the edited volume Ecological Restoration in the Czech Republic (Jongepierová et al. 2012) was published. Since that time six years have passed and also our knowledge of ecological restoration has advanced. A range of older restoration projects (scientific as well as practical ones) is continuing, some have been successfully completed, others have started, legislation has changed somewhat, and also the general awareness of the discipline of restoration ecology has expanded in the country. We have therefore decided to compile a follow-up of the previous volume, Ecological Restoration in the Czech Republic II. We do not want to repeat what has already been written, but have focused on new projects and findings and on new results of older continuing projects and their interpretation. Since scientific knowledge from the restoration ecology discipline is the basis of every high-quality ecological restoration, we start with a brief selection of scientific works related to ecological restoration in the country from the past five years....
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Vegetation of the Czech Republic: diversity, ecology, history and dynamics
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- Category: Air pollution / Znečištění ovzduší
- Hits: 1375
Photo by Marek Piwnicki on Unsplash
This review summarizes basic information on the diversity of vegetation in the Czech Republic. It describes basic environmenal factors affecting vegetation, vegetation history since the last glacial, biomes occurring in the Czech Republic (zonal biomes of broad-leaved deciduous forest and foreststeppe, and azonal biomes of taiga and tundra), altitudinal zonation of vegetation and landscapes with an exceptionally high diversity of vegetation types (deep river valleys in the Bohemian Massif, karst areas, sandstone pseudokarst areas, solitary volcanic hills, glacial cirques, lowland riverine landscapes and serpentine areas). Vegetation types, delimited according to the monograph Vegetation of the Czech Republic, are described with emphasis on their diversity, ecology, history and dynamics
The Czech Republic is a land-locked country in central Europe occupying an area of 78,867 km2 . It is situated in the zone of temperate broad-leaved deciduous forest, which in the south-east borders on the forest-steppe zone. Its current vegetation is affected by abiotic conditions such as geology, soil and climate, historical biogeographical processes and human activity.
Read more in this nice booklet fro Masarik University in Brno:
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