Bottled Water Contamination in the EU: A Growing Concern / Kontaminace balené vody v EU: Rostoucí obavy
Hits: 205
Pollutants: Lead (Pb)/Olovo
Hits: 408
Pollutants: Ammoniak (NH3)
Hits: 297
Pollutants: Benzene / benzen
Hits: 318
Pollutants: Benzo[a]pyrene / Benzo[a]pyren
Hits: 369
Pollutants: Carbon monoxide (CO) - Oxid uhelnatý (CO)
Hits: 325
Pollutants: Formaldehyde / Formaldehyd
Hits: 322
Pollutants: Mercury (Hg) - Rtuť
Hits: 399
Pollutants: Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) - Oxid dusičitý (NO2)
Hits: 396
Pollutants: O3 - ozone, near ground tropospheric ozone (O3) / přízemní ozon
Hits: 486
Pollutants: PFAS - (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) / per- a polyfluoroalkylové látky
Hits: 457
Pollutants: PM (particulate matters) / pevné částice ultradisperzní
Hits: 766
Pollutants: Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)
Hits: 564
Pollutants: Sulfur dioxide (SO2) - Oxid siřičitý (SO2)
Hits: 565
Pollutants: Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) / Hexafluorid sírový (SF6)
Hits: 395
Pollutants: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) / Těkavé organické sloučeniny
Hits: 359
The Silent Pollutant: Cadmium Contamination from Cars
Hits: 310