Overall year result of measured air pollution, presented by Český Hydrometeorologický Ůstav, contain a new nice infographic, you may see it here:
Znečištění ovzduší na území České republiky
You may download a full report from here:
Also at the address above you may take the measuring results and conclusions separately for Benz[a]pyrene, NO2, CO, SO2, heavy metals, benzene, ultrafine particles and others.
The material is highly recommended to check for everyone, who living in Czech Republic. Last year have been remarkably "clean" due to good air conditions for dissipation and Covid-19 measures taken to limit human activities.
Previous years' information may be taken from here: https://www.chmi.cz/files/portal/docs/uoco/isko/grafroc/grafroc_CZ.html
Thank you CHMI for a very good presentation!