Plastic in Our Brains: A Growing Threat to Cognitive Health
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- Category: Econews
- Hits: 24
In a startling revelation, recent studies have uncovered that human brains today contain 50% more plastic than in 2016, with the highest concentrations found in individuals diagnosed with dementia. This alarming increase in microplastic accumulation within our neural tissues raises pressing questions about the long-term implications for cognitive health and underscores the pervasive nature of plastic pollution in our environment.
More on: CNN.COM
Pollutants: PM10-bound Microplastics and Trace Metals: A Public Health Insight
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- Category: Materials
- Hits: 17
Airborne particulate matter, especially PM10 (particles with a diameter of 10 micrometers or less), poses significant health risks due to its ability to penetrate the respiratory system. Recent studies have highlighted the presence of microplastics (MPs) in PM10, raising concerns about combined exposure to MPs and trace metals in confined spaces like subways and indoor areas.
The researchers collected PM10 samples from various subway stations and indoor environments across Korea. Advanced analytical techniques, including scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), were employed to identify and quantify MPs and associated trace metals within the samples.
Key Findings
- Prevalence of Microplastics: MPs were detected in a significant proportion of PM10 samples from both subway and indoor environments, indicating widespread distribution.
- Types of Microplastics: The identified MPs varied in shape and composition, with fragments and fibers being the most common forms.
- Associated Trace Metals: Trace metals such as lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), and zinc (Zn) were found adsorbed onto the surface of MPs, suggesting potential combined exposure risks.
- Source Implications: The presence of MPs and trace metals in subway environments points to possible sources like wear and tear of train components, passenger activities, and infiltration from outdoor air.
Public Health Implications
The co-occurrence of MPs and trace metals in PM10 particles within confined environments like subways and indoor spaces raises concerns about inhalation exposure and potential health effects. Chronic exposure to such pollutants may contribute to respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, underscoring the need for effective air quality management and mitigation strategies in public transportation systems and indoor settings.
This study provides valuable insights into the prevalence and characteristics of PM10-bound MPs and trace metals in Korean subway and indoor environments. The findings highlight the importance of continuous monitoring and the development of strategies to reduce human exposure to these emerging pollutants.
For more detailed information, you can access the study through PubMed.
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- Category: Ekolinks
- Hits: 13
Toxic-Free Future is a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting public health and the environment by advocating for the use of safer chemicals and products. Their work focuses on eliminating harmful chemicals in everyday products, promoting strong environmental policies, and conducting scientific research to support safer alternatives.
Key Areas of Focus:
- Chemical Policy Advocacy – Pushing for stronger regulations to ban toxic chemicals in consumer goods and the environment.
- Safer Products – Encouraging companies to phase out harmful substances and adopt safer alternatives.
- Environmental Justice – Addressing the disproportionate impact of toxic pollution on vulnerable communities.
- Scientific Research – Investigating the health and environmental effects of chemicals to support policy changes.
- Corporate Accountability – Pressuring manufacturers and retailers to eliminate toxic chemicals from their supply chains.
They often work on issues like PFAS (forever chemicals), flame retardants, and pesticides, aiming to ensure a healthier future for people and ecosystems.
Toxic-Free Future je nezisková organizace zaměřená na ochranu veřejného zdraví a životního prostředí prostřednictvím prosazování bezpečnějších chemických látek a produktů. Jejich práce se soustředí na eliminaci škodlivých chemikálií v běžných výrobcích, podporu přísnějších environmentálních politik a vědecký výzkum na podporu bezpečnějších alternativ.
Klíčové oblasti zaměření:
- Regulace chemických látek – Prosazování přísnějších zákonů zakazujících toxické chemikálie v produktech a životním prostředí.
- Bezpečnější produkty – Motivace firem k nahrazení nebezpečných látek bezpečnějšími alternativami.
- Ekologická spravedlnost – Boj proti nerovnému dopadu toxického znečištění na zranitelné komunity.
- Vědecký výzkum – Studium účinků chemických látek na zdraví a životní prostředí pro podporu změn v legislativě.
- Odpovědnost korporací – Nátlak na výrobce a prodejce, aby odstranili toxické látky ze svých dodavatelských řetězců.
Organizace se často zaměřuje na problematiku PFAS („věčné chemikálie“), zpomalovačů hoření a pesticidů, s cílem zajistit zdravější budoucnost pro lidi i ekosystémy.
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